bottom line

bottom line
1) учет нижняя [последняя\] черта, итог, баланс доходов и расходов [прибылей и убытков\] (итоговая строка в финансовой отчетности, показывающая чистые прибыли и убытки)
а) учет чистая прибыль (размер прибыли после налогообложения)
б) учет = net profit

Our objective is to grow our bottom line by about 10 per cent. — Наша цель — увеличить размер чистой прибыли примерно на 10%.

A company's bottom line is its net income — or net earnings, or net profits — or the "bottom" figure on its income statement, measuring income after all expenses have been deducted from revenues. — Чистая прибыль компании, т. е. доход за вычетом всех расходов, называется нижней чертой или последним показателем в отчете о прибылях и убытках.

в) учет = net loss
3) общ. окончательный [конечный\] результат (чего-л., напр., расчетов); конечная цель
4) общ. важный [решающий, основной, главный\] фактор [момент\] (от которого зависит какое-л. решение или результат)

The bottom line is that the sponsors want a French driver on the team. — Основной момент в том, что спонсоры хотят видеть в команде французского водителя.


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последняя черта: 1) сумма или результат всех строк баланса или счета; финальная прибыль или убыток; 2) окончательный результат; 3) конечная цель; = attributable level 2.
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итог; результат; конечный итог; баланс; остаток; кризисное дно'
. . Словарь экономических терминов .

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат


Смотреть что такое "bottom line" в других словарях:

  • bottom line — ˌbottom ˈline noun [countable] informal 1. the figure showing a company s total profit or loss: • The company s bottom line showed a net profit of 173 million euros. • Cost cutting moves under way at the banks should help bottom lines. 2. the end …   Financial and business terms

  • bottom line — bottom lines 1) N COUNT: usu sing, usu the N The bottom line in a decision or situation is the most important factor that you have to consider. The bottom line is that it s not profitable... The bottom line is that it did not get the best out of… …   English dictionary

  • bottom line — noun count 1. ) BUSINESS the amount of money that a business makes or loses: He keeps a careful eye on the bottom line. 2. ) the bottom line the most basic fact or issue in a situation: The bottom line is that he lied to Congress. someone s… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • bottom line — n [singular] 1.) the bottom line used to tell someone what the most important part of a situation is, or what the most important thing to consider is ▪ The bottom line is that recycling isn t profitable. ▪ In radio you have to keep the listener… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bottom line — is a term in accounting for the line in a profit and loss account that shows the final figure. It has developed a figurative meaning ‘the decisive factor or objective’, which should only be used informally: • The bottom line is that we all love… …   Modern English usage

  • bottom line — ☆ bottom line n. 1. the lowest line of the earnings report of a company, on which net profit per share of stock is shown 2. Informal profits or losses, as of a business 3. Slang a) the basic or most important factor, consideration, meaning, etc.… …   English World dictionary

  • bottom line — fig. sense is attested from 1967, from profit and loss accounting, where the final figure after both are calculated is the bottom line on the page. Also (esp. as an adj.) bottomline …   Etymology dictionary

  • bottom line — In accountancy, the bottom line is net income, and is used idiomatically to mean the conclusion …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • bottom line — bottom line, adj. 1. the last line of a financial statement, used for showing net profit or loss. 2. net profit or loss. 3. the deciding or crucial factor. 4. the ultimate result; outcome. [1965 70] * * * …   Universalium

  • bottom line — (izg. bȁtm lȁjn) ž DEFINICIJA ekon. u poslovanju poduzeća prag rentabilnosti, granica ispod koje se ne može poslovati bez gubitka ETIMOLOGIJA engl.: donja granica …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • bottom line — [n] conclusion determination, final decision, income, last word, loss, main point, net, profit; concept 230 …   New thesaurus

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